Updates for the 2024-2025 school year are coming soon! Please check back later in September.
Missoula Children's Theatre (MCT)
2023-2024 MCT Co-Chairs: Suphattra Sunnamthiang and Sarah McLuckie
We have the amazing opportunity to bring back Missoula Children's Theatre this year with Hercules. Our student actors and actresses will be cast and prepare an entire theater production - all in one week from December 11-16 - with the help of two touring directors from MCT.
For Grades K-5.
Jump to: Registration | General Information | Schedule of Events | Policies & COVID Waiver | About MCT
2023-2024 Production
Adapted by Michael McGill and Joseph Martinez
Music and Lyrics by Michael McGill
Welcome to Ancient Greece, where the focus is on the big tournament! The Olympic Games are starting soon, and the Cyclops and Titans are both expecting to win big in the Games. But the tournament can’t start without Hercules. Will the legendary strongman of the ancient World spark the flame and start the festivities on time, or will his legendary tardiness get in the way of the Games? Join us for a tale the scholars will talk about for ages as mythical creatures and Olympians alike share in a friendly competition. Along the way we may just learn that true strength lies not in our muscles but in our character.
Registration Opens: November 9, 2023 at 8:30AM
Registration Closes: December 1, 2023
How to Register: Please register your children here:
The registration link above will work for Medina PTA members only. To purchase membership and gain access to the form, please visit your PTA account.
IMPORTANT: To register, you must agree to all MCT policies on the registration form by initialing next to each policy and e-sign the COVID waiver. Read the policies and COVID waiver now.
If you need financial assistance to pay the MCT registration fee, please choose the "pay by check" option when checking out, so your registration will not be delayed. Then, contact our counselor Ms. Geck (gecke@bsd405.org) to initiate the process.
General Information
Who: All Medina Elementary-enrolled students whose parents are Medina PTA members are welcome to participate (K-5). This year, we are opening MCT for kindergarten students, if they can attend all rehearsals, without disruption or need additional assistance from volunteers.
Where: Medina Elementary School
Dates: Monday, December 11, 2023 through Saturday, December 16, 2023
When: Weekdays after school until 7pm. All day/evening on Saturday. See Schedule of Events below. Participants must commit to all times that they are scheduled - exact times announced after roles are cast on Monday, December 11.
Cost: $175
Fees include: Missoula Children's Theatre residency fee, touring director's housing, A/V, piano accompaniment, room reservations, allergy-free snacks*, and general operating expenses.
*Due to the long rehearsal times directly after school, allergy-free snacks will be provided to the cast. We will ask for your permission to give snacks to your child in the registration form.
Note: MCT directors are fully vaccinated.
Schedule of events
Monday: Auditions for kindergarten through 5th grade.
Please bring snacks. All children will need to stay for the duration of the audition time. Once your child is cast, you will receive a detailed schedule of rehearsals based on your child's role.
Please commit to the following rehearsal times. Actual rehearsal times will depend on your child's role.
Monday: Some roles may begin rehearsal directly following auditions until 7pm.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 2:45PM to 7pm.
Wednesday: 12:45pm to 5:00pm.
Saturday: 3:00pm and 5:00pm. Cast arrives at 2pm.
Policies and COVID/ACCIDENT Waiver
ELIGIBILITY: Our afterschool clubs (including Missoula Children's Theatre) are ONLY for CURRENT-ENROLLED Medina Elementary students with ACTIVE Medina PTA membership. You must be enrolled with Medina Elementary school at the time of attending the club and have a valid Medina PTA family or individual membership for the 2023-2024 school year. You agree that if your kid is not currently enrolled with Medina Elementary school OR you do not purchase PTA membership by December 2, 2023, your child will be withdrawn from Missoula Children's Theatre immediately with no refund.
REFUND: A 5% tuition processing fee will be charged on all refunds before the start of the program. After the program begins, there will be no refunds for any reason.
BEHAVIOR: Parents and students are expected to behave respectfully to each other, the Missoula Children's Theatre parent volunteers, the Missoula Children's Theatre touring directors, and anyone involved in the theater production or associated with Medina PTA. If we feel you or your student’s behavior is disruptive, or you or your student are consistently disrespectful, we reserve the right to withdraw your student (after sufficient warnings) with no refunds.
COMMITMENT: You agree to commit to the audition, rehearsal, and performance schedule you are given. Your child may be scheduled anytime after school from Monday, 12/11/2023 to Friday, 12/15/2023 until 7pm and all day/evening on Saturday, 12/16/2023. You will receive your schedule on Monday, 12/11/2023 after your child is cast into a role.
PUNCTUAL PICK UP: You agree to pick up your child promptly according to the audition/rehearsal/performance schedule you are given. If you wish to permit your child to sign him/herself out from MCT and walk/bike home, you must complete the Medina Elementary MCT Permission Slip to Walk/Bike Home found on our website, medinapta.org, and return it to our MCT Co-Chairs.
SAFETY: Missoula Children's Theatre will follow all health guidelines determined by Bellevue School District and Medina Elementary. If you or your child do not follow safety protocols, we reserve the right to withdraw your child (with sufficient warnings) with no refunds.
ABSENCES: You understand that you cannot have any planned absences or tardies. However, if an illness or other emergency prevents your child from attending, please email mct@medinapta.org as soon as possible.
Due to the short nature of the program, you understand that any unexcused absences may result in removal of your child from the program with no refund.
RECORDING: You understand that the two Saturday performances will be recorded, and you consent to your children being recorded. You also consent for the recordings to be shared with family and friends of MCT participants for viewing.
COVID-19 AND ACCIDENT RELEASE: I hereby choose to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19, for myself and/or my above-named children in order to participate in the Missoula Children's Theatre (MCT) program. These services are of such value to me and/or to my children, that I accept the risk of being exposed to, contracting, and/or spreading COVID-19 in order to participate in the program.I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against Medina PTA and all Medina PTA officers, committee chairs, and volunteers in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to the MCT program.
I hereby assume all of the risks of participating in any/all activities associated with the MCT program. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.
About MCT
The Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT), the nation’s largest touring children’s theatre, has been touring extensively for nearly 50 years now from Montana to Japan, and will visit nearly 1,100 communities this year with up to 44 teams of Tour Actor/Directors.
A tour team arrives in Medina with a set, lights, costumes, props and make-up, everything it takes to put on a play…except the cast. That's where our talented, young students come in.
All MCT shows are original adaptations of classic children’s stories and fairytales . . . a twist on the classic stories that you know and love. Past MCT productions at Medina include: The Jungle Book (2023), Hansel and Gretel (2022), Peter and Wendy (2019) and Secret Garden (2018).
Learn more about MCT at their website.
Questions? Email mct@medinapta.org